Inspired by French philosopher Bruno Latour’s environmental initiative and art action, “Parliament of Things,” this performance will employ role-playing to give a voice to all elements of nature in a simulated parliament. The aim is to shed light on the extreme challenges and dilemmas faced by all living things as a result of climate change and human-caused destruction. This year, Nuit Blanche will host a “Parliament of All Things” in Daan Park. Led by Gong Jow-jiun, chief curator of the Mattauw Echigo Tsumari Art Triennale, and Yang Chih-pin, Secretary General of the National Association for the Promotion of Community Universities, the event invites 12 council members—including artists, performers, environmental organizations, and landscape designers. Each will take on the roles of the animals and plants of Daan Park to discuss the ecological challenges the park faces and explore potential solutions through this unique parliamentary dialogue.