自由・力量_24小時Live Painting 24 hours Live Painting
About this project
平面設計:Marty / Weirdo Banane Studio
原創概念:Gregg Bréhin
巴黎與臺北白晝之夜改編:Kitty Hartl
《貓頭鷹面具與圖騰》是由Kitonêt(凱蒂.哈特 和 Nethzer Torres)專為「2024年臺北白晝之夜」創作的作品,並由Weirdo Banane工作室的Marty設計。凱蒂得知貓頭鷹是臺灣深受喜愛的夜行動物,這些面具象徵著臺灣的貓頭鷹,並配有LED燈能在夜間發光,為活動增添一抹亮色。為了讓這項計劃更加引人注目,三座五尺高的圖騰木座將矗立在大安森林公園,這些圖騰木座不僅是限量貓頭鷹面具與貓頭鷹夜光貼紙的發放點,也是參與民眾集結的地點,民眾將參加當晚接連進行的夜行動物遊行。
《普普雪怪》是由法國攝影師Gregg Bréhin設計的奇特且色彩繽紛的奇幻動物。凱蒂作為策劃「2023巴黎白晝之夜」的藝術總監,特別針對這些動物進行了改編。在2024年臺北白晝之夜,這些奇幻動物將以全新的藝術形式呈現,圍繞著一個結合法國國旗三色、和彩虹旗色彩的滑輪者們來進行表演。
The Nantes-based artist is a member of the art collective Yodel, and transforms public spaces into stages for his creative works. He has produced street art projects for events such as “A Journey to Nantes,” and in Paris for Hermès, and Nuit Blanche. Photography serves as one of his primary mediums, and he describes his artistic interventions as blending trend and fantasy.
For “A Journey to Nantes,” he designed a group of characters called the “Totem Family” who transformed into “Les Yétis Pop” during Nuit Blanche in Paris and Taipei.
Kitônet法國 / France
Kitônet 是巴黎的國際化設計團隊,專門負責建築、舞台設計、平面設計和各類活動項目。Kitônet 由藝術總監 Kitty Hartl 和建築師暨舞台設計師 Nethzer Torres 於 2017 年創立。他們執行了多元跨領域項目,包括為當代藝術活動創作裝置作品,以及在法國和西班牙進行建築和設計項目。他們為了臺北白晝之夜構想了「貓頭鷹面具與圖騰」的原創概念,Nethzer Torres 設計了三個貓頭鷹圖騰裝置的結構以及貓頭鷹面具的造型,並與 Marty 合作完成貓頭鷹的視覺效果部分。
Kitônet is a Paris-based international design team specializing in architecture, stage design, graphic design and various event projects.
Kitônet was founded in 2017 by artistic director Kitty Hartl and architect and stage designer Nethzer Torres. They worked on a variety of cross-disciplinary projects, ranging from creating installations for contemporary art events to architecture and design projects in France and Spain. Their collaborative work merges art, design, and space, highlighting their expertise in both artistic creation and architectural design.
They conceived the original concept of “L’Owl Masks and Totems” for Nuit Blanche in Taipei. Nethzer Torres designed the structure of the three owl totem installations and the shape of the owl mask, and collaborated with Marty to complete the visual effects of the owl.
Weirdo Banane Studio 法國 / France
藝術家通過她的工作室 Weirdo Banane來表達對差異與奇特的讚頌。她的藝術風格自然而有直覺性,透過繪畫、拼貼和組合,為平凡增添一抹玩味的色彩。她探索各種媒材,從紙張延伸至皮膚,創作出充滿夢想與想像的作品。她的藝術創作同時具有治療的層面,使她能夠藉由為世界披上一層保護性的幻想來馴服焦慮,將平凡轉化為非凡,打破這個過於循規蹈矩的世界。
Through her studio Weirdo Banane, the artist celebrates difference and singularity. Her artistic style is natural and intuitive, adding a playful touch to the ordinary through painting, collage and assemblage. She explores various media, from paper to skin, to create works full of dreams and imagination. Her art also serves a therapeutic purpose, helping her manage anxiety by overlaying the world with a protective layer of fantasy, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary and challenging a world of conformity.
Gregg Bréhin 法國 / France
The Nantes-based artist, a member of the art collective Yodel, transforms public spaces into stages for his creative works. He has produced street art projects for events such as “Journey to Nantes,” Hermès, and Nuit Blanche. Photography serves as one of his primary mediums, and he describes his artistic interventions as blending trend and fantasy.
For “Journey to Nantes,” he designed a group of characters called the “Totem Family” who transform into “Les Yétis Pop” during Nuit Blanche in Paris and Taipei.