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French Animal Pride
凱蒂.哈特 Kitty Hartl
About this project
Responding to the theme “Nocturnal Animals Party” for “Nuit Blanche Taipei 2024,” guest curator Kitty Hartl created the program “French Animal Pride.” This program includes two parts: “Les Yétis Pop” and “Owl Mask & Totems,” designed to engage with the public through interactive participation while showcasing a vibrant, colorful parade.
The “French Animal Pride” is an inclusive nighttime carnival parade open to everyone. Leading the way will be twenty roller skaters in vibrant “Les Yétis Pop” costumes, guiding the crowd through the park, followed by hundreds of participants donning owl masks. Adding to the lively atmosphere, percussionists will provide a joyful rhythm to this nocturnal journey. This “French Parade” blends interactivity, festive energy, and artistic display, making it a key highlight of Nuit Blanche in Taipei, drawing participants of all ages to enjoy the festivities late into the night.

遊行鼓隊:BatucaTaipei 台北森巴鼓隊
Guest Curator

Kitty Hartl法國 / France
Kitty Hartl的藝術策展生涯始於1998年南特的《世紀末的紐約》藝術節。2000年,她與Jean Blaise合作,在南特創辦「法國南特當代藝術中心-獨特之所」(Le Lieu Unique),並負責音樂策劃。隨後,她策劃了一系列跨領域的國際藝術節,並發掘來自世界各地的前衛藝術家。
在這之後,她創立了融合音樂、表演藝術和視覺藝術的I.D.E.A.L藝術節,並獲得國際讚譽。2005年,她與 Jean Blaise 合作策劃巴黎白晝之夜。在接下來的幾年中,她曾在韓國策劃一項跨界藝術計劃。2007年,她策劃南特河口當代藝術雙年展(Estuaire)的開幕活動《非凡島嶼》。
Kitty Hartl’s curatorial career began in 1998 at the “New York at the End of the Century” art festival in Nantes. In 2000, she co-founded Le Lieu Unique, a contemporary art center in Nantes, France, alongside Jean Blaise, where she was in charge of music programming. Over the years, she curated a range of interdisciplinary international art festivals, showcasing avant-garde artists from around the world.
Since then, she founded the I.D.E.A.L festival, which combines music, performing arts, and visual arts, and has received international acclaim. In 2005, she collaborated with Jean Blaise to curate Nuit Blanche. Over the next few years, she curated a multidisciplinary art project in South Korea. In 2007, she curated the opening event of the Nantes Estuary Contemporary Art Biennale (Estuaire), titled The Phenomenal Island.
In 2022, the Paris City Hall entrusted her with the role of artistic director of the 20th edition of Nuit Blanche. This anniversary edition has been widely praised for its dynamism, strong public participation and high artistic quality. Following this success, she was invited to curate the first Summer Nuit Blanche in 2023. Currently, she lives in Paris and works as an independent art director.