自由・力量_24小時Live Painting 24 hours Live Painting
About this performance
“Crystal Ball” is a captivating performance that explores the contrast between flow and stillness. The performers are barefoot and bald, highlighting the ethereal nature of the performance through a simple and original aesthetic. The work combines elements of contact juggling. The crystal ball seems to defy the rules of gravity, gliding lightly over the performer’s body. Fluid movements intertwine with moments of absolute stillness to create a mesmerizing effect that invites the viewer to focus on minute and delicate movements.
Inspired by the concept of “the three phases of water”, the performance captures water’s transitions between liquid, solid, and gaseous states. This metaphor is reflected in the performers’ movements, seamlessly switching between control and release, precision and improvisation. “Crystal Ball” is more than a juggling act; it is a poetic meditation on balance, perception, and the subtle dance between the tangible and the intangible.


胡啟志 / Isaac Hou臺灣 / Taiwan
A professional street acrobat from Taiwan, born in the United States, he brings extensive international experience, having performed in over ten countries. He is renowned for his mastery of contact juggling with crystal balls, creating an elegant and magical effect as they appear to float effortlessly on his body. Additionally, he specializes in the Cyr wheel, a powerful metaphor for life, symbolizing the journey of control and exploration. His performances blend street acrobatics with audience interaction, showcasing his captivating skills in spontaneous, dynamic environments.