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創造焦點 作品1 (1)


The Clown Oddities

創造焦點 / Eye Catching Circus


2024.11.02 (六) 17:00-17:30







About this performance

來自 EYE CATCHING 星球的小丑們因時空錯亂來到名為TW的星球,故事以「人性」、「快樂」以及「夢想」作為主軸,運用馬戲元素、將雜耍、疊羅漢、高空表演等串在其中,更以詼諧的互動方式拉近與觀眾之間的距離,帶領觀眾幫助小丑們重返星球,希望可以從中呼籲大人、小孩們即使處在社會的弱勢或是不公的情形下,也要珍惜眼前的幸福生活,只要懷抱希望轉念一想,你還是身處在一個美好且幸福的世界。

The clowns from the EYE CATCHING planet arrive on a place called TW, lost in time and space. This story revolves around themes of “human nature,” “happiness,” and “dreams,” using circus elements like juggling, stacking, and aerial performances. With humorous interactions, the clowns engage the audience, drawing them in to help the clowns find their way back home. The performance speaks to both adults and children, reminding them to cherish what they have, even in disadvantaged or unjust circumstances. The message is clear: with hope, a beautiful and happy world is always within reach.

《小丑八怪》01 攝影師 楊雅晴 (1)


創造焦點 照片4 工作區域 1

創造焦點 /
Eye Catching Circus臺灣 / Taiwan

成立於2015 年,臺中市傑出演藝團隊(2018-2020、2023)、Taiwan Top 演藝團隊(2024)。將雜技、馬戲投入創新傳承,致力於運用當代的思維與新穎的風格,詮釋當代馬戲藝術,近年累積不少海內外演出經驗,持續推廣與發展臺灣當代馬戲。

Eye Catching Circus founded in 2015, named Taichung City Outstanding Performing Arts Team (2018-2020, 2023) and Taiwan Top Performing Arts Team (2024), creation includes acrobatics and circus in innovative inheritance, and is committed to using contemporary thinking and novel styles to interpret contemporary circus art. In recent years, it has accumulated a lot of performance experience at home and abroad, and continues to promote and develop contemporary circus in Taiwan.