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Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute





國影中心 工作區域 1

Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute 臺灣 / Taiwan


The Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute was founded in 1978 and is committed to preserving Taiwanese film, television, radio and other archives through digital restoration technology, and is also responsible for promotion and education. So far, 661 films have been digitally scanned at a high level, 76 films have been restored through cooperation, and 19 films have been restored independently. The museum has a cinema, a film library and permanent exhibitions.




Fragrant Formosa (Restored) 臺灣 / Taiwan

放映地點|大安森林公園 露天電影院

放映時段|16:40-19:00    總系列片長|124分鐘



The “Fragrant Formosa” (Restored) Series features rare documentaries that showcase Taiwan’s rich and diverse natural landscapes, as well as its cultural history, highlighting the unique charm of the island. This screening at Daan Park combines the ecological awareness of the park with the viewing of these precious documentaries, allowing the audience to enjoy the films in a natural setting while raising awareness of environmental protection and sustainability. It promises to be an educational yet entertaining outdoor movie experience.

《烏魚來的時候》 數位修復版 劇照1 (1) (1)

《烏魚來的時候》 數位修復版
When Mullet Come (Restored)臺灣 / Taiwan

導演:王菊金 WANG Chu-chin|1977|26’|普遍級

1977 金馬獎優等紀錄片獎 



1977 Best Documentary (Runner-Up), Golden Horse Awards

The gray mullet’s roe is a beloved delicacy in Taiwan. As the cold currents reach Taiwan, the gray mullet come. To catch this precious “black gold” at dawn, local fishermen set out in the dark, following the mullet through thick mist.

《傳統小鎮-美濃》 數位修復版 劇照2 (1)

Meinung, A Town Cherishing Tradition (Restored)臺灣 / Taiwan

導演:謝佳雄 HSIEH Chia-hsiung|1981|25’|普遍級


The townspeople of Meinung inherited their Hakka ancestors’ stamina, diligence and optimism. They continue treasured traditional practices, notably the production of oiled-paper umbrellas.

《古厝-彰化秀水鄉陳宅》 數位修復版 劇照1 (1)

《古厝-彰化秀水鄉陳宅》 數位修復版
Chen Family Abode in Xiushui, Changhua (Restored)臺灣 / Taiwan

導演:余秉中 YU Ping-chung|1980|25’|普遍級

1980 金馬獎最佳紀錄片



1980 Best Documentary, Golden Horse Awards

The Chen family home in Xiushui was built in 1846, following the style of traditional Chinese houses. It preserves the history of the ancestors who sailed from Fujian to Taiwan. Now the house is witnessing the encroachment of modern urbanization.

《大溪風光》 數位修復版 劇照2 (1) (1)

Daxi Scenery (Restored)臺灣 / Taiwan

導演:謝佳雄 HSIEH Chia-hsiung|1975|24’|普遍級


High on a table-top mountain, south of Taoyuan is Daxi. Once renowned for producing camphor and tea, it became a center for trade and governance. Traces of its glorious history can still be found in the old streets.

《阿里山的老火車頭》 數位修復版 劇照1 (1)

Old Locomotive in Alishan (Restored)臺灣 / Taiwan

導演:張文雄 CHANG Wen-hsiung|1975|24’|普遍級

1976 金馬獎優等紀錄片



1976 Best Documentary (Runner-Up), Golden Horse Awards

A record of aging steam locomotives transporting timber along the old Alishan railway. The trains, brought to Taiwan from Ohio, USA, relentlessly climb the 2000 meter mountains, in and out of tunnels, and passing through stunning scenery.



Whispers of the Forest in the City臺灣 / Taiwan

放映地點|大安森林公園 露天電影院

放映時間|22:30-00:30    總片長|122分鐘

森林裡躲著什麼?起霧的森林裡藏著神秘古寺、飛簷走壁的劍俠,還有莫測高深的各種江湖不可言說;那月光下的森林裡呢? 《空山靈雨》(數位修復版)是臺灣知名導演胡金銓的經典作品,在優美的森林山水景致中將武俠、禪學與電影美學融為一體。此次在白晝之夜於大安森林公園夜間放映,讓人們感受到兩種不同森林意境互相演繹,將是別具一格的戶外觀影體驗。

What hides within the forest? In the misty woods, mysterious ancient temples, sword masters leaping from roof to roof, and unspeakable secrets of the martial world lie in wait. And what about the forest under the moonlight? Raining in the Mountain (Restored) is a classic work by renowned Taiwanese director King Hu. This film seamlessly blends martial arts, Zen philosophy, and cinematic beauty against the backdrop of breathtaking forested landscapes. As part of Nuit Blanche, it will be screened at night in Daan Park, where two distinct forest atmospheres—day and night—intertwine, offering a unique outdoor viewing experience.

《空山靈雨》 數位修復版 劇照2 (1)

Raining in the Mountain (Restored) 臺灣 / Taiwan

導演:胡金銓 King HU |1979|2h2’|保護級



Sanbao Temple, nestled deep in the mountains, holds a valuable manuscript written by Master Xuanzang. As the old abbot nears Nirvana, intrigue ensues. Wealthy patrons and generals gather, ostensibly to witness the selection of a new abbot, but with ulterior motives of stealing the manuscript. The story explores inner temple conflicts and external chaos. Departing from traditional storytelling, the film deftly manages factions, competition, and deception against picturesque landscapes.