“Ecological civilization” represents a vision for the sustainable life of the Earth, emphasizing the harmonious coexistence of humans and all living things. This project, a collaboration between editor-creator Li Jun, 0471 Acro Physical Theater, and several freelance artists, explores the interconnectedness of performers with people, space, environment, and objects. It aims to reflect the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature, fostering a collective consciousness of “ecological thinking.”
ACROERA, founded in 2015 by a group of passionate artists, aims to bring the spirit of acrobatic circus to life. In 2024, they will establish their base at Yong’an Art Center, focusing on making their art more accessible and fostering connection. Through acrobatic performances, they inspire a sense of warmth and appreciation for life amidst the fast pace of modern times, embodying the core values of discovery, co-creation, and sharing.